Affilated to CBSE, New Delhi. Affilation No: 1930552

Techno Club

Techno club aims to produce technical wizards, who would innovate and experiment to revolutionaize the way the humans think, communicate and do and ultimately find solutions to make life more comfortable.

Objectives of the club:

  • Techno club encourage students to develop their technical skills and act as a platform for deserving students to showcase their talents in computer Applications.
  • The Club has trains students in various computer applications such as Movie Making, Animations and Digital Photo Editing and encourages the students to hone their programming skills.
  • The Club often invites professionals to train the students or give demos in different application

List of Club Activities:

  • To Provide computer support for all school events
  • To make presentations for various school function
  • Increase awareness of computer amongst students
  • Make students aware of the uses of information technology with a view to better
  • prepare him to handle information enabled devices tomorrow
  • Organize computer based competitions
  • Inter School Participation in Competitions

Techno Club:

Eco Club

Eco club is to develop green consciousness, promote environmental awareness and social responsibility among the students. It also enables the students to be sensitive towards environment and take steps to conserve natural vegetation.

Objectives of the club:

  • Motivating students to value environments.
  • Organizing various eco friendly activities.
  • Eco club is a voluntary group which promotes the participation of students in learning and improving their environment.
  • To create a clean and green consciousness among students through various innovative methods.

List of Club Activities:

  • Guidance on first aid
  • Poster making
  • How do oil spills harm wild life? (G.D)
  • Field trip to botanical garden
  • Inventors (A.V)
  • PPT on ISRO
  • Herbarium preparation
  • idal energy(A.V)
  • Treasure hunt
  • Quiz
  • Benefits of organic food ( resource person)
  • Benefits of balanced diet( resource person)
  • Create a flip book.

Eco Club:

Literary Club

English club is a forum which provides a platform for the students to express their literary creativity in LISTENING, SPEAKING, READING,WRITING. The sole objective of this club is to create good readers, writers and speakers, who will be the harbinger of change in the society.

Objectives of the club:

  • Give opportunities to students to practice listening skills and practice speaking interactively real English within the students’ community.
  • Increase fluency, reduce accents and build confidence to think and speak English.
  • Allow opportunity for students to express opinions and debate issues and thereby encourage critical thinking.
  • Learn English in a fun way in a natural and authentic English speaking classroom community.

List of Club Activities:

  • Elocution
  • Vocab building
  • Extempore
  • Story Telling
  • Poem Recitation
  • Dhumsarath
  • Picture Description
  • Reading
  • Enacting a celebrity’s character
  • Essay writing
  • Movie review
  • Book review
  • Descriptive writing

Literary Club:


Heritage club is an attempt to understand all aspects that makes the identity of our Indian civilization.This club motivates students to learn about their rich cultural heritage. It also strives to create awareness not only for the need for preservation of our rich heritage but also to protect our environment and sustainable use of natural resources.

Objectives of the club:

  • This will increase awareness and participation of our students towards protecting and conserving India’s vast natural, built and cultural heritage.

List of Club Activities:

    Two Saturdays in a month are dedicated to Heritage Club activities. The club organises programmes on ....

  • National Integration
  • Citizenship and responsibilities.
  • Historical Games.
  • Tree planting and making seed balls.
  • Disaster Management planning.
  • Heritage visits to temples , museum and monuments.
  • Showcasing documentaries on heritage value.

Heritage Club:

Math Club

Mathematics is the never ending story of study; It can be crazy or cruel. The main objective of this club is to overcome the fear of Mathematics, to have positive attitude towards the subject and excel at it.

Objectives of the club:

  • The Purpose of Math Club is to develop student’s level of Math skills and knowledge. This will be accomplished by using games, activities, and mock competitions.
  • Students will cooperatively work to complete Logic and Math Puzzles. Math Club will support classroom learning, enrich their skills with higher order thinking, and prepare students for future Math Competitions.

List of Club Activities:

    GRADE 3 – 5
  • Brain teaser
  • Sudoku
  • Puzzle
  • Crossword
  • Tangram
  • Easy way of learning multiplication table
  • Math Quiz
  • Basic 4 operation using Vedic mathematics
    GRADE 6 – 9
  • Brain teaser
  • Sudoku
  • Puzzle
  • Cross word
  • Math Quiz
  • Magic square
  • Vedic mathematics

Math Club:

Health club

“Health is wealth”.. Sound mind can exist only in a sound body. Health club endeavours to educate the youngsters to achieve physical, mental and social well being. This club further inculcates healthy eating habits, importance of daily workouts coupled with Yoga and Pranayama, to self actualize the innate potential in every child.

Health club: